Now that Asa is here he is the only thing in my camera's viewfinder. I can't help it, it just happens. Every time I pick up the camera it turns to him. Every moment seems like it's just begging to be captured. Every day something new to record....

His first night in the bassinet. The very same bassinet that I slept in, one that's been in the family four generations now (see Sheryl!).

Steve surveys the scene

Being so big is tiring business

So big! Lifting that head all the time now (and only occasionally slamming that face back into the ground. Ouch.)

A lovely sweater to match the eyes (thanks Cynthia!)

Laughing and laughing. This is my absolute favorite thing in the whole wide world. That little sound gets me every time. Tiny chuckles spilling out of this happy little boy. Perfection.
He's simply fabulous and the pics are wonderful. xh
There is no more wonderful sound than a baby's giggle, is there?! I've been in a grocery store and have heard a baby laugh from down the aisle, and I am immediately reminded that life is sweet.
Thanks so much for sharing your little boy with's means a lot.
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