Izzi The Vampire Bride, Griffin The Bloody Ninja, Angus as Steve The Cat, Bess The Saucy Pirate and Monty The Blue Samurai. Lichen as Steve The Cat's Lady Friend (currently expecting a kitten)
Max waits (not so) patiently for the trick or treaters to return.
I'd say it was a very successful Halloween indeed.
shoot that was soooo worth the wait. are you the cutest cat girl expecting kittens or what???? aaah. and i just love dudes with swords...and furry ears, of course. love me
We wore the same costume, from the ears to the belly. Looks like you had as much fun as we did. Lillian was a ballerina with hot pink ponytails, Harry was a dragon. Not sure who loved it most. Probably me... I also ate the most candy - Love you darling and thanks for the body shot. Cynthia
Looks like you had a great time girlie :-) Love the expecting a kitten... btw, when is the due date? do you want to know what your having? let me know when if you have a registry up... baby times are fun! hope your resting up. :-)
shoot that was soooo worth the wait. are you the cutest cat girl expecting kittens or what????
aaah. and i just love dudes with swords...and furry ears, of course.
We wore the same costume, from the ears to the belly. Looks like you had as much fun as we did. Lillian was a ballerina with hot pink ponytails, Harry was a dragon. Not sure who loved it most. Probably me... I also ate the most candy - Love you darling and thanks for the body shot.
I love the belly! Squee!
Looks like you had a great time girlie :-) Love the expecting a kitten... btw, when is the due date? do you want to know what your having? let me know when if you have a registry up... baby times are fun! hope your resting up. :-)
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