It all started at A. and I's engagement party this summer. All of our beautiful friends and family joined us for an afternoon BBQ stocked with home made jerk chicken (thank you), spiced wild rice, lentil salads, mango salsas and sangria. I wandered between guests, camera in hand, snapping away. Two of my very best friends were there with their son, Connor, who was almost one year old at the time. Now, this kid is just waaaay too easy to take pictures of. Not only is he cute as hell, but he likes the camera! He follows the lens with his great big Connor-blue eyes and smiles! He makes my job too easy. At some point during the festivities I got these two shots:

Well, it turns out parents go all gooey over pictures of their kid - who knew? - so shortly thereafter my first commissioned photo shoot was booked!
Really it was a great excuse to bring A. to come hang out by the beach with my friend s and spend some time with them. What a great time we had! I took about 500 pictures (gotta love digital), the best of wish I've posted below. I'd love to hear what anyone thinks, so feel free to criticize (constructive though, please - no need for name calling).
So, for anyone reading this that doesn't know, I now readily accept pints of beer as a form of payment. But I'm not cheap, no domestic tap.
Ohmygod Lichen... how flattered are we that you chose us as your first gig! I had no idea... truly... and the photos are just BEAUTIFUL! I mean, can you BELIEVE that Shane and I did that all by ourselves? At least, I think we did... I'm not sure... we were pretty wasted... :-)... thank you for taking the most amazing photos our little guy. And our other little guy - best photo of Koa we've ever had.
You need beer? Well we need pics so you tell us when you need "payment" and we'll bring our kid.
We love you Lichen... you are a true blessing in our lives and we treasure it.
the SM crew...
As always, your perception of life, beauty and loving eye shows in every image. I love how you compose each shot, the light and purpose. PLUS!!! The subject matter is gorgeous...what a cutie face.
Yay! A blog. So happy I found it. I will add it to my RSS blog feeds so I can keep up. I am a sucker for the tiny detail shots, so I love the tiny feet on the grate ones. Well done and welcome to the world of shooting for beer! xoxoLisa
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