Last Saturday one of my most favorite people in the whole, wide world celebrated his 12th birthday. And I was lucky enough to be there with him.

Birthday boy.

Beautiful birthday momma.

Brother Griff.

Cousin Jack (yep Sar, he
totally has a mustache).

Gorgeous cousin Izzi.

Mother and daughter.

Miss Anna Bell Snow was definitely ready to par-tay. In a very lady like way, of course.

One strong momma!

Who loves her son so very much.

Our new friend Pearl was also at the party. WARNING: if you look at the pictures of her for too long you
will fall in love.


Uncle Dave.

Angus played the pipes

(with a little help from Griffin)

as we sang Monty Happy Birthday

and it brought in the thunderstorm

A wonderful day for a wonderful young man. I love you SOOOOOO much Monty - Happy Birthday.
1 comment:
ha ha ha....that is AWESOME. i love you so much! you make me smile ear to ear, heart to thumpity heart beat, and everything in between.
the mom
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